Scent: Eucalyptus Radiata has a sweet, woody scent similar to Sweet Eucalyptus but with a lighter quality.
Blends With: Rosemary, Pine, Cedar, Juniper.
For use on the skin (Topical Application), dilute up to 2-4% in jojoba or hazelnut oil; 2%, the most commonly recommended strength, is approximately 1 teaspoon (5ml) of essential oil per 1 cup (250ml) of carrier oil, or about 10 drops essential oil to a tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.
Colds: Diffusion
Bronchitis: Topical Application on chest and back, a total of 3-5% in jojoba or hazelnut oil.
Stuffy nose and mucous congestion: Steam Inhalation
Asthma: Direct Inhalation from the diffuser on a regular basis
Sore throat: Diffusion
Respiratory Health: Immune System Booster:
Anxiety and Stress: Skin Health: Diabetes Management and Prevention: Anti-Inflammatory Activity:
A Final Word of Warning: As mentioned above, eucalyptus oil is extremely potent and is actually poisonous in its undiluted form, particularly for young children. Always consult a medical professional before adding eucalyptus to your diet in a substantial way and monitor your body’s reactions. The powerful effects of eucalyptus can be intense and is not recommended for everyone.
Eucalyptus Essential Oils have been found to be non-sensitizing to the skin; however, they are poisonous if ingested, and even small amounts can be fatal. They can irritate the skin if not diluted enough. Well-diluted Eucalyptus Radiata is safe to use with children over four, in reduced quantities.
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