Your own private label of essential oils and blends can be an amazing additive of building your business brand. The key is to find the right partner.
Most essential oil companies require larger minimum orders; we do not, we only require 15 items (bottles) per product for our minimum orders. This will assist you to determine what oils will best suit your business for what your goals are.
Our dedication to quality is respected by our business partners who use our essential oils in their products – ranging from small companies just getting started to others that have a client base that they want to offer another modality to. We’re committed to using essential oils that are 100% Pure and free of pesticides, synthetics, or adulteration of any kind. An independent chemist will lab tests each of our essential oils to ensure purity. Testing includes Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) documentation if requested.
We are known for our exclusive essential oil blends from simple to complex blends. These blends will meet the needs of your clients who are looking for personal blends that smell amazing, as well as blends that target specific mind, body, spirit concerns.
We see our clients as partners. We assist you in the selection of essential oils by getting detailed information on what you would like to have your line wrapped around, and if needed training your staff on safe, effective application methods.
We use our bottles or yours to fulfill your order. We send them to you for labeling or at your request, we will apply your preprinted labels to the bottles prior to shipment. (us providing labeling will cost an additional fee)
We package all orders per your requirements which can include packing individual bottles in bags, boxes, or containers. If we are shipping outside of the valley. There is a separate charge if we are packaging each product in a different box for shipping.
Some of our business partners prefer selling our products under our essential oil brand name rather than designing their own private label. We call this our Affiliate Program and more information can be found here.
Please take advantage of our research and experience in aromatherapy to enhance your brand. Please contact us to set-up an initial consultation.
Cell: 480-766-2716
Single Oils:
A: It will be the wholesale cost with half none refundable deposit up front and the rest paid when delivered.
A: There is a non-refundable upfront fee of $100 for research and development for each blend needed
B: Wholesale cost after that with half non-refundable payment up front and the rest on delivery